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Bag Sale Increase

December 31, 2022

“A community where all are welcome, all are fed, all are clothed, and have a warm place to sleep.”Edgerton Community Outreach vision for the future. Edgerton Community Outreach has always wanted to give the best value to our thrift store customers as well as make the best out of donations given to us to be …Read More

Edgerton Community Outreach 2022 Year Round-up!

2022 has officially ended and what a year it was!! Edgerton Community Outreach has been lucky enough to help so many of our community members this past year. We couldn’t have done it without you! Before we show you just how much your support has helped us help our community, take some time to learn …Read More

Holiday Meals Program 2022

December 28, 2022

On November 23rd & 24th and December 23rd & 24th, staff of the Edgerton Community Outreach, as well as volunteers throughout the surrounding area, gathered at St. John’s Lutheran Church to make, assemble, serve, and deliver a total of 918 meals for the 2022 Holiday Meal Program. Edgerton Outreach was able to offer a dine-in …Read More

Cyber Giving Tree

December 10, 2022

Each year the Edgerton Community Outreach hosts the Giving Tree program for Edgerton School District Students from 5th-12th grade. Each sign up is asked for 2 wants and 2 needs for each Child. Outreach distributes gift tags to churches, businesses, and more throughout the community. As well as creates a public system for the remaining …Read More

Missed the Gifts for Kids Deadline? No Problem!

December 2, 2022

Did you miss the deadline to sign your children up for the Gifts For Kids program? IT’S NOT TOO LATE!! Call and set up an appointment with Alyssa or Trinity today! They’ll take you through the steps to get the gifts you need to make your children’s holiday! To sign-up for the program, Edgerton Outreach …Read More