
The Challenge
In January and July, homeless service providers complete an annual street count to identify homeless persons in our communities. While it is only a snapshot of one night, it gives a telling picture of what is occurring in our communities. In January of last year, the street count identified 2420 homeless people that were part of a household with at least one child. Of these people, 168 were veterans. These numbers are frightening as it only counts those we can identify and does not account for those households that are doubled up or that were not identified.
Goal # 1 ~ Create six units of housing
ECO has a successful and established history of assisting those in need of housing. Such services include a continuum of care from emergency motel vouchers to transitional living units. The development at 210 West Fulton Street will create an additional six units of supportive housing in one and two bedroom ADA compliant floorplans. The goal of the new units will be to serve Veterans/and or households in which one member are a Vet.
Many communities throughout the country are facing a housing shortage – ours is no exception. The rental vacancy in Rock County Wisconsin is between 1-2%. Male Veterans in Rock County have a transitional housing option at Rock County Community Programs near Beloit. Veterans and the general public have access to Housing Choice Vouchers, but with the low vacancy rate finding housing can difficult. Building Hope at at 210 West Fulton Street will create new housing opportunities for Veterans, especially females and households with children.
Goal #2 ~ Build a “home” for our local Veterans
For many years Edgerton’s local VFW Post 2708 and other Veteran groups have been without dedicated meeting space in our community. The Edgerton Veteran’s Building was built in 1963 creating a space for our local veterans to meet. This facility also hosted many other community events. Over the years the Edgerton Veteran’s building has been leased to commercial tenants making it difficult for hosting meetings for our local Veterans. During much of the same above mentioned time period VFW Post 2708 owned a “club”house in Veterans Memorial Park. This property was utilized for meetings, but as years passed maintenance costs grew to the point of unaffordability and VFW Post 2708 sold the property in 2010. Funds have been set aside since that time for a future home for the Post. Many options have been explored over the years. The renovated space at 212 West Fulton Street will have a meeting room, a kitchen, storage/display space to house documents preserving the history of those who served for our freedom, and will be completely ADA accessible. This site will also create a home base and safe space for Veterans to reach out to Veterans.
Goal #3 ~ Rehabilitate one of Downtown Edgerton’s oldest buildings
The building at 210 West Fulton Street is the oldest buildings in Edgerton’s downtown. The unique three-story building has a large corner footprint in the heart of downtown. After nearly 170 years, the building will get much-needed TLC while maintaining its historical feel and relevance. Without action, the building will eventually fall into disrepair and be demolished.
We will save it!
Built in 1854, the Taylor House/American House, originally served as a hotel. Henry Edward “Ed” Peters began operating his business at this location in 1896. Various family members assisted in the running of the businesses housed there; tavern, arcade, bowling alley, Rousch’s Market, Peters Market. Another local family operated Peters Market from 1967-1979. From the 80’s till present the lower level has housed many operations including the Rocking Horse (craft store), Mrs. G’s Game Room, an office supply store, Team Heating and Cooling, and Edward Jones just to name a few.
Edgerton Outreach is partnering with GMK Architecture, Inc. and Bachmann Construction for the evaluation of the building. The construction committee reviewed information available for comparable buildings in regards to construction cost to determine if it was reasonable to remodel the current building versus new construction.

210 West Fulton
On July 19, 2021 the Edgerton City Council approved an offer to purchase 210-212 West Fulton Street to revitalize the structure. The city sold the building to Edgerton Community Outreach, Inc. with the understanding that ECO would renovate the building. Upon completion, the building will be expanded to include housing options for Veterans and their families. In addition, a community room will be available to Veterans groups, will create space for senior programming, and will be available to benefit the community at large.
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Edgerton Outreach Helps
Edgerton Community Outreach, Inc. (ECO) has provided housing assistance for low income people since 2002. In 2005, ECO purchased our Lawton Street Home, which houses two formally homeless individuals/families while they work with ECO staff on goals which help them achieve a greater level of self-sufficiency. Edgerton Community Outreach’s supportive housing portfolio has added four additional units since 2010 and currently oversees six rental units.
A significant barrier to individuals finding self-sufficiency is homelessness. People served in ECO’s housing programs are very successful in keeping and maintaining their housing due to the guidance of Edgerton Outreach coaching staff. During the 17 years, ECO has operated its Transitional Living Program, a place to call home has enabled participants to succeed through their hard work.
Finished Projects
Pave the Way

Edgerton Community Outreach’s lot has officially been paved! Thanks to the generosity of our community the Pave the Way project has come to an end. Thank you to every person, business, and sponsor that donated to the project. With your help ECO has become safer and more accessible!
The Parking Lot Paving Project was the final phase of ECO’s 3 phase renovation project. Currently the lot at Edgerton Community Outreach, Inc. (ECO) is gravel; a gravel lot that often has potholes that fill with water and muck. Paving the lot at ECO will prevent accidents and injuries, provide uniform traffic patterns and parking, create easy in and out drop off points for donations, establish safe access for the elderly and specially abled and furnish parking lot lighting to assist patrons and improve security. Please review our campaign document and consider your best gift at this time to help ECO Pave the Way! Click here to print your pledge card!

Phase I was completed in 2010. It consisted of adding supports in the basement, lifting the building to ensure that we were building on a sound and square foundation, and necessary electrical upgrades.
Phase II consisted of the full build out of the upper level into client offices, children’s room, data room, conference room, and volunteer workspace. Accessibility issues that impacted those with disabilities were addressed with the addition of the ramp, elevator and construction of 4 ADA restrooms. Phase II construction was completed in 2015.
We greatly appreciate the support of our community that has assisted in the growth of our agency!