Cyber Giving Tree
Each year the Edgerton Community Outreach hosts the Giving Tree program for Edgerton School District Students from 5th-12th grade. Each sign up is asked for 2 wants and 2 needs for each Child. Outreach distributes gift tags to churches, businesses, and more throughout the community. As well as creates a public system for the remaining gift tags. This way anyone in and around our community has a chance to choose a child or family that they would like to help!
If you are interested in donating gifts to those in need this holiday season YOU CAN in just 5 easy steps!
1.) Click the link below and click the DISCUSSION tab to choose one or more children whose needs and wants fit your budget.
2.) Like and Comment ‘TAKEN’ ON THE POST OF YOUR CHOICE.
3.) Purchase at least 1 need and 1 want for each child
4.) Wrap the gifts and label them with the Gift ID. (example highlighted Gift ID below)