The ECO Bowl Painting Event is BACK! The Bowl Painting Event is back in action with 5 available dates to register! The events will be taking place on Thursdays from 5pm-7pm. Please read the information below BEFORE registering! ALL BOWL PAINTING NIGHTS HAVE BEEN FILLED! The dates available for registration are listed above. Please click …Read More
Edgerton Community Outreach (ECO) and beyond cam together in an extraordinary display of generosity and support at the second annual fundraiser event held on October 21 at the beautiful vineyards and historic barn of Over the Vines. The ‘Vineyard Run/Walk to Fight Youth Hunger’ in conjunction with the Edgerton outreach aimed to raise funds for …Read More
In August of 2023 Edgerton Community Outreach was awarded UWBR Grants totaling in $90,000! Thank you to United Way Blackhawk Region for your investment into Edgerton Community Outreach! United Way’s continued support in ECO helps local families battle homelessness, stay fed, and stay in their homes! THANK YOU for helping Edgerton Community Outreach continue out …Read More
ECO Thrift Store takes a wide variety of donations! Most donations can be dropped off on our donation dock anytime during the following hours! Some donations, such as furniture, will need to be examined and approved before we will accept them! If you have any questions about your donations please contact us @ 608.884.9593 DonationHoursMonday10am-4:30pmTuesday10am-5:30pmWednesday10am-5:30pmThursday10am-4:30pmFriday10am-4:30pmSaturday10am-2:30pm …Read More