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210 West Fulton
On July 19, 2021 the Edgerton City Council approved an offer to purchase 210-212 West Fulton Street to revitalize the structure. The building currently has one commercial tenant, and the rest of the building is vacant. The previous owner gutted the upper two floors of apartments. Edgerton Community Outreach, Inc. purchased the building for $1 from the city with the understanding that ECO would renovate the building.
Edgerton Community Outreach, Inc. (ECO) has provided housing assistance for low income people since 2002. In 2005, ECO purchased our Lawton Street Home, which houses two formally homeless individuals/families while they work with ECO staff on goals which help them achieve a greater level of self-sufficiency. Edgerton Community Outreach’s supportive housing portfolio has added four additional units since 2010.

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